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Showing posts from February, 2015

The Interveiw

       During this quarter of video I learned how to use Final Cut Pro and all the short cut keys that make is easier to use. Like command B is the blade tool and command I is import and command E is export. I also learned what the six shot system was and how to frame all of the six shots. The hardest ones to frame are the close up, extra closeup, and the over the shoulder shot.  I also learned how to work in a group and spread the work out evenly so that everyone has a fair amount of work so that everyone did a part so that the video got done by the due date. In the future I can use my group working skills in whatever strand I choose to go in because no matter what I do I will always have to work with people, and communicate my ideas and what I am envisioning in my head so that the people I am taking to can see what I am seeing.   

The chase scene

In this project I worked in a group of four to create a chase scene that had a good story line with several "paragraphs". I learned how to manage my time with a group and how to spread out the work evenly so not only one person is doing everything. In my next project I will make sure to have the actors do the full action each time we film so we don't have as many scenes to retake as we did this project. Next time I will also map out what we want our film to look like so that way everyone is on the same page and none of us are confused. The collaboration was different in this project because they was more people, so there was a lot more ideas to bounce of of. Also we had to work harder to get a good solid idea that we all agree on. To improve collaboration in the next project I will make sure to listen to everybody's ideas and try and manage my time better with the filming.