Steam Boat Willie Animation The scope of this project is to show the progress of 2D animation. Through the drawings to the full video. This was on of the first animation by disney. To this day the "Steam Boat Willie" animation is widely known. This animation shows a lot of the basic animation principles because it was basically the first impactful video animation! This shows several principles like follow through when Mickey spins the wheel his arms keep spinning. Along with squash and stretch when he whistles his cheeks squash in and stretch out and his legs squash up and down as he bounces. The story being told in this animation is a mouse steering this ship while whistling while he works. It was told by 2D animation and hundreds of drawings. I would like to apply the fluidity of the character to my work because Mickey looks so life like. We have learned to makes his joints move with out his whole arm moving to make it look even more realistic. The creator did an ama...