Name Typography This was my first project of my junior year. The goal was to take your name and alter the text to portray an aspect of your personality. I began by creating a list of words that I thought described me best. Including things I liked to do and personality traits. After narrowing the word list down to only 12 words I began to sketch how I could change the text to convey my ideas. I also began looking on for specialized fonts. I selected my favorite sketches from each word to try to pursue in Illustrator. As I began to manipulate the anchor points of the text I made ,shapes, lines, and curves, to give off the vibe I was looking for. After I adjusted all 12 I went through with a fine tooth comb and began to pick out things that I thought threw off what I was trying to achieve or could possible make it clearer, after changing these few details I was left with my final project! During the process I learned many things. For example, I learned how to pro...