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Showing posts from 2016

Semester 1 Reflection

Name Typography:  As the year started,  we received a name typography project. The goal of the project was to take our name and turn the typography into something that would reveal some of our personal interests.  For example, I personally enjoy jewelry so I made Abigail appear like it was written with pearls. This project took around three weeks from the first of the school year. I struggled with reaching out of my comfort zone coming into junior year. This helped me learn that it is okay to have multiple ideas and that not all of them will work out the way that you planned. I was critiqued mainly on taking some of the concepts too literally instead of pushing them outside of the box. I changed several of them by going all out with some of the ideas that I had started. Making my ideas stand out really helped make my concepts stand out on the page. I really enjoyed tis project because it refreshed my memory on how to use Illus...

Name Typography

Name Typography  This was my first project of my junior year. The goal was to take your name and alter the text to portray an aspect of your personality. I began by creating a list of words that I thought described me best. Including things I liked to do and personality traits. After narrowing the word list down to only 12 words I began to sketch how I could change the text to convey my ideas. I also began looking on for specialized fonts. I selected my favorite sketches from each word to try to pursue in Illustrator. As I began to manipulate the anchor points of the text I made ,shapes, lines, and curves, to give off the vibe I was looking for.  After I adjusted all 12 I went through with a fine tooth comb and began to pick out things that I thought threw off what I was trying to achieve or could possible make it clearer, after changing these few details I was left with my final project! During the process I learned many things. For example, I learned how to pro...