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Showing posts from September, 2015

Animation Professional Article Review

Animation Article Review  Article       In this article they explain how google is now entering a way to render 3D animation faster called Zync. It is a cloud solution, it is live in beta and anyone who registers for an account can receive $300 worth of google Platform credit which is used for Zync rendering. They are trying to promote the launch of Zync through the Render More site where artists can get and extra $500 Google platform credit by filling out a form.     Within the article the author uses videos to help illustrate their cause about the new google Zync. However in the actual text part of the article they lacked some explaining points of how Zync is more beneficial and useful then other ways to render 3D animation.     Although in this article the author has some very nice evidence within the videos to prove her points about Zync. I did wish they explained a little bit more about the form that was necessary to fill out to...

Repeat Pattern

My Repeat Heading! This is  my repeat pattern that I made to go on the ceiling of my graphic design room. My graphic design teacher , Mrs. Lofquist, calls our room the ISS room because there isn't very much color and it is very boring to just look at. So we have took on the task to make the room more  vibrant and exciting!  The patterns that we make are going onto the ceiling tiles. They will be printed onto some sturdy paper then placed under the tiles to add an interesting factor. to the room.   - Abbygail <3

Day in the Life of a Graphic Designer

Professional Article Critique   Blog post      In this article a graphic designer is talking about her daily life. She constantly is looking at her email (communication/collaboration) to talk to her clients about her designs. She also like to mix up her day to keep her creative juices flowing. I learned a lot about what a day as a graphic design would look like because i didn't know she seen so much time just talking to her clients about ideas and sharing files.  I also learned that she loves the creativity and flexibility of her job which is what I am looking forward to if I do decide to go into the field of graphic design. I also think that it is very interesting that she took photography classes and art history and not a lot of technology classes.   - Abbygail <3

Creative project

My creative Projects! These are my two creative projects that I made using the knowledge I learned making the previous designs with the pencils. The on  the left is a spiders web with a spider and on the right I took my creative pencil and made a cool design to get more used with the program. - Abbygail <3