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Showing posts from October, 2014

Personal Logo

   This is my personal logo, I used my middle name because it is a lot more memorable then "Abby" because I'm not a normal person when it comes to my ideas. However I used the color blue because people can trust me, I am strong in my ideas an goals. The reason I used the three triangles is because the lighter blue triangle is the consumer they are unstable and I am the darker blue triangle keeping them stable and strong. Plus the splattered paint on the sides symbolize the hectic reality we live in, by there will always be a tong center in me.

Orthogonal Cube

  In illustrator we made orthogonal cubes. We watched a tutorial on to figure out how to make all of the sides equal. We had to copy and paste the three main lines and copied them several times to finish off the cube. Then we added color to the cube to give it depth/perception. The darker colors make it look farther behind and the lighter shades make it come forward. Then i rounded the edges of the cube so that way it did not have weird tails that lost the flow of the eye making it look 3D.  This was a challenge for me because there was so many steps to do to make it look accurate. However the end result was with it, because it looked really awesome and it's cool to say that I made this from scratch.

Photoshop starter project

         Today we started photoshop, photoshop is different then illustrator because in photoshop you have to work in layers, also in illustrator you are starting from scratch and photoshop is more like photo editing. I learned that you can create several layers in photos shop of the same image and if you mess up on the first try you can delete it and tie the original and make a copy to try again. I also learned that photoshop is less forgiving when you mess up. Also I learned that i like illistrtaor a lot better. 

Color Wheel

         Color analysis is very important because it shows emotion the the audience with exiling emotions. Each color has its own emotions that it shows, like blue shows trust and strength, and yellow means optimism and warmth. To show the meaning of the color on labels and we studied two different types of bathroom product bottles. The Johnson's baby lotion is in a light baby blue color, so the color conveys trust to the mother who is buying it for her baby because she wants to trust the product she is putting on her baby. The further we looked at different bottles the more the connections reveled themselves.